Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I subscribe to way more blogs than I care to admit. These blogs are about a variety of different things: homeschooling, art, photography, cooking and some blogs that I can not remember how I stumbled upon them, but I just love to read what they are sharing. One of these blogs is This Girl Loves to Talk. I have never commented on her blog, but I have been reading it for quite some time. One of her recent posts was about 'Free Range Kids'. I have saved it as I intend to carve out some time to read the articles that she links to in her post, but until then, I have been thinking. Thinking about my parenting style.

Anyone who knows me knows I am definitely not a 'Free Range' parent. I have been called over-protective more than once in my life. It was a badge I proudly wore . . . but now, after reading This Girl Loves to Talk's blog post, I am wondering if I am somehow damaging my kids. Perhaps it is a little late to address this issue as I have been a parent for nearly 18 years, so more poor teens . . . well, there is not hope. If they are damaged by my faulty parenting style, well, it is too late for them. One would think after 18 years of parenting I would be settled in my parenting style. I would feel secure with my decisions and choices I make for my kids. hardy har har. Fat chance. I think I read to much. Where are my blinders?

So, on to the question - Am I an over-protective parent?

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